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Jóvenes latinos tomando medidas para la salud, la educación y la justicia social
Latino youth taking action for health, education and social justice
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Carissa Ontiveros, Bob Fletcher, Manuel Hernandez
Ramsey County Sheriff's Office
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Community Services Offier
CSO Maria Carmen Moreno
ORN - Opioids Response Network 



Dr. Hector Colon-Rivera, MD, CMRO

ORN Technical Assistant

McFarlane Media - Insight News - Conversations with Al McFarlane
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St. Paul Neighborhood Network Public TV
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Elizabeth Burgos, MSW, LICSW  
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Neri R. Diaz, LICSW, T-ADC
Se necesita un pueblo - It takes a village

RCSO Sheriff Bob Fletcher

Senator Foung Hawj

Senator Chris Eaton

Roy Magnuson

Richard Aguilar

Mark Rios

Steve Brunsberg

Alicia Zepeda Cervantes

Carissa Ontiveros

Manuel Hernandez

Rob Hanson

Ken Rivera

Rosita Balch

Carrie Clancy

Victor Martinez

Gil Acevedo

Michael Whistler

Alejandro Aguilera

Suzanne M. Ozturk

Luis Ortega

David Beckford

Juanita Espinosa

Julie Jacobson

Nick Puente


En 2007 74 Latinos fueron a tratamiento en Minnesota debido a opioides

Para 2017, ese número se multidó por siete, hasta 563

Minnesota tuvo 376 muertes implicadas en opioides en 2016, un 12% más que en 2015

In 2007 74 Latinos went to treatment in Minnesota  due to opioids

By 2017 that number increased seven-fold to 563

Minnesota had 376 opioid-involved deaths in 2016, up 12 percent from 2015. 

"The mission at the RCSO's goes beyond a narrow definition of law enforcement to include education, prevention and outreach on the front end and treatment and follow-up on the post-contact end. They are setting the standard by prioritizing efforts to utilize a proactive public health-based strategy to serve the community in their role as law enforcement."   Roy Magnuson, Public Information Officer Ramsey County Sheriff's Office

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